Our Mission Statement
Transport America’s veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices.
OUR GOAL – Helping every single veteran in America, willing and able of getting on a plane and a bus, visit their memorial.
OUR PRIORITY – Top priority is given to America’s most senior heroes — survivors of World War II, Korea, and any veteran with a terminal illness who wishes to visit THEIR memorial. We now proudly serve our Vietnam Veterans with the honor they so deserve. The program will naturally transition to all other veterans who served, on a chronological basis.
OUR PHILOSOPHY – Since America felt it was important to build a memorial to the service and the ultimate sacrifice of her veterans, Honor Flight South Florida believes it’s equally important that they actually get to visit and experience their memorial.
OUR MOTTO – “We can’t all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.” – Will Rogers

What Is Honor Flight?
Honor Flight South Florida is a 100% all-volunteer organization, dedicated solely to honoring all veterans in Broward, Dade, and Monroe counties. In the final chapters of their lives, it’s a race against time to fly these veterans to Washington D.C. to visit and reflect at the memorials built in their honor. Top priority is given to our most senior defenders of freedom, World War II and Korean War veterans, and those veterans who are terminally ill. Also, we are now serving Vietnam Veterans. Every one of these veterans fly absolutely free.
The veteran’s one-day mission to Washington D.C. includes round-trip airfare, deluxe bus transportation throughout Washington with police escorts, meals, commemorative tee shirts, and other amenities needed to travel comfortably. Disabled veterans are also welcome; with advance arrangements, honor chairs and oxygen are available.